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Christian Howes, Social media, digital and big data expert 

“Are we suffering from too much data and not enough insight?”

In this presentation we will look at the data deluge that we all suffer both personally and professionally and look for ways to join the dots these include.

  • Looking at the big picture
  • Appreciating context
  • Learning new skills
  • Telling stories
  • Make it entertaining

Nicola Millard, Head of Customer Insight & Futures at BT

“Chat, Tap, Talk: How Customer Trends Are Shaping the Future Customer Experience”

Based on 7 years of global research from 10 countries around the world, this session will investigate the key trends driving consumer behaviour and how innovation can help customers “chat, tap and talk”.

  • Why customers want an easy life,
  • What happens when the smartphone is their window on the world,
  • Why we use the channels we use (and which channels are rising and falling in preference),
  • Will chatbots ever replace human agents
  • Why data needs to be leveraged as the new currency in a “me”-conomy.

Peter McKean, CEO at Synthetix

 “Why brands like Boots, esure and Toyota have invested in Digital Customer Service”

Executives are quick to see the end-game benefits of a customer-centric strategy, but often fail to clearly quantify the economic outcomes of differences of delivering superior customer experiences.

  • See proven ROI of how digital customer service can reduce complaints, increase efficiency and dramatically increase First Contact Resolution rates.
  • Gain access to pragmatic calculators (e.g. for Live Chat, FAQ self-service, Intelligent Web Forms) to assist in quantifying the economic outcomes of differences in customer experiences.
  • Which purpose-built technologies are key to delivering CX success.
  • How integrated digital customer service expands well beyond just monetary ROI.