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Tiffany Markman, Trainer – TMWT

“For CX That Resonates, Add More Creativity!”

If we want positive CX moments to stick in customers’ minds, they must be fresh, unexpected…even a bit wacky. But creative ideation for CX may seem like a lot of work. Here’s the thing: It isn’t really (there’s a method). It yields far better outcomes for us and our brands (I promise). And it’s a huge amount of fun (you’ll see).

  • Encounter Tiffany Markman’s Micro-Focus Methodology for creative ideation
  • Recognise (and try) out the 3 steps that work best for the pros
  • Get comfortable with the “boring” elements of the creative process
  • Access the core questions under-pinning creative CX that delivers
  • Know where the creative magic sits – and how to find it, every time

Simon Blosse & Tom Carpenter, Principal Customer Experience Consultants, Clarasys

Anthony Stears – Managing Director, The Telephone Assassin Ltd