CX Solutions Summit | Forum Events CX Solutions Summit | Forum Events CX Solutions Summit | Forum Events CX Solutions Summit | Forum Events CX Solutions Summit | Forum Events


A highly focused event that connects senior industry professionals with key solution providers for a unique experience. The event includes one-to-one business meetings with suppliers to fit your business projects, insightful seminars, and valuable networking opportunities with your peers.

Buyers who attend:

• Chief of Customer Experience
• Director of Customer Experience / CX
• Head of Customer Experience / CX
• VP of Customer Experience / CX
• Customer Experience / CX Manager

Places are fully funded and include:

• A personalised itinerary matched with your projects
• Access to a full seminar programme
• Multiple networking opportunities with 50+ peers
• Lunch and refreshments throughout

Our Speakers...

Timeline of your day...

Buying Trends:

Ad Testing
AI Applications
AI Driven Personalisation
Analytics Tools
B2B eCommerce
B2C eCommerce
Brand Tracking
Business Intelligence Solutions
Business Process Outsourcing
Case Management Software
Cloud Solutions
Cognitive Computing Systems

Concept Testing
Content Management Solutions
CRM Services
Customer Engagement Channels
Customer Insights
Customer Journey Management
Customer Retention
Customer Satisfaction
CX Mobile Apps
Data Management
Digital Asset Management
Email Automation
Employee Engagement

Industry Tracking
Live Chat
Location Intelligence Systems/ Spatial Intelligence Software
Multichannel Survey Tools
NPS Programs
Omnichannel Services
On-demand Services
Predictive Routing Technology
Price Optimisation
Product Optimisation
Program Management

SaaS Experience Analytics Platform
Self Service
Semantic Search
Social Media Monitoring and Management
Subscriptions Management
Text Analytics Software
Unified Communications
VoC Programs (voice-of-the-customer)
Voice Analytics Technology
Voice Biometrics
Web Experience
Web Experimentation


Great opportunity to have meaningful conversations in a calm and professional manner. Took most of the effort out of networking so much better than an open floor event!


If you want dedicated time with suppliers you’ve heard of or those you haven’t, where you can chat – rather than be pitched at – then this Summit is for you 

AEG/The O2